Space Travel on Earth

Space Travel on Earth 

                         One can go from New York to London within one hour and New York to Beijing in two hours if the technology ET3 patented by Daryl Oster (an American engineer working on aeronautical and marine design ) sees the light of the day. ET3 stands for evacuated Tube transport Technologies. It is a proposed design for super high-speed rail transportation, which claims a high speed up to 4000-5000 mph.

                             ET3 works on the Maglev concept with a tube from which air is drawn to create a vacuum. Car-sized passenger capsules could carry up to six persons. ET3 is silent as there would be not air to create sonic vibrations and it needs 1/10 of cost of high-speed rails. This is because the ET3 capsules weigh only 183 kg and the vehicles are so light that they need only 1/20th of the material to build. ET3 uses far less power per passenger mile than high-speed trains. The technology is currently being tested.

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