What can you tell about the planet Venus and the transit of Venus?



This planet is famous by the nickname of the god of the beauty of Greece, after Mercury, the second closest planet of the Sun is Venus, which is similar to the Earth in size and weight, and is the closest planet to the Earth, which is why it is also called the sister of Earth. It is drier than the Earth and its atmosphere is 9 times more dense than that of the Earth.

The reason for its high surface temperature (about 400 ° c) is the predominance of greenhouse gases here, 97% carbon dioxide gas is found in its atmosphere, 80% of its surface is filled with volcanic plains sulfuric acid in its atmosphere. Drops of clouds are found

Due to being visible at sunset and sunrise, it is also called the evening and dawn star. It is the brightest planet Venus's pressure of the atmosphere is 100 times higher than the Earth's atmosphere. Its highest mountain is situated in Maxwell Mount Ishtar Terra The Magellan mission was sent to study Venus, which is 11 km higher than the surface, although the launch of the Messenger vehicle to study Mercury is also Get information about this planet.

Transit of Venus

This is an important celestial event which has been seen on a very large area of ​​Asia (Philippines India etc.), Australia, North America on June 6, 2012, the transit of Venus is occurring when Venus is in the Sun and This incident happens in the middle of the Earth, very little happens, that is, twice in a century! The time between these two transits is 8 years, now the next (after 2012) transit will appear on Earth in the year 2117 (after 105 years)!

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