What is fuchsia os

What is fuchsia os
fuchsia os: if some people know the Adoption Curve, then those people would understand that this is the right time to understand and learn about fuchsia os, code on GitHub suddenly about 2 years ago. The leak happens and then a few days later Google officially tells us that the code was of a new operating system named Fuchsia! As you all know the Android operating system works on our mobile, which is built on Linux Kernel!

Now if you look at the Android Wikipedia page, you will know that the Android operating system was created so that it could become an operating system of the camera and then later developed the same software and made it for mobile!

There are still some things in Android that do not work properly. Now that we are a user, those things are removed from the user interface for us and we feel that the Android OS is the best!

So now Google is coming up with a new operating system in which all these shortcomings have been fixed and this operating system can be installed in every device whether it is a computer, a clock or a street light. The system can be installed so that the devices are easy to connect due to the same operating system, now why people will use 'fuchsia os' when already in the market Android operating system is available!

For this, let me tell you, the best thing about "fuchsia os" is that you can install and use all the Android applications in it!

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