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facts about the universe
1. The time taken by our Solar System to revolve around the Galaxy is 225 Million Years.2. Most of the Galaxy is Shape Oval.
3. The edge of our Solar System is not Pluto, it is Oort Cloud.
4. The oldest Star is 13.2 Billion Years Old, it is Red Huge "HE 1523-0901".
5. According to some theory, there is 1 Universe in every Black Hole, that is, all of us are in Black Hole at this time.
6. Do you know that the stars you see in the sky can die? Since they are billions of Light Years away from us and their light will take billions of years to reach Earth, which means that the Light of the Stars you see now is Arab Years Old Lights. So it is possible that they are dead now.
7. Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where there is a solar eclipse.
8. Abell 2029 is the largest Galaxy of Univers.
9. Olympus Mons (a large volcanic volcano) on Mars is about three times the height of Mount Height of Everest. 10.
10. The Universe says that Smell performs like hot metal, welding fumes, and seer steak.
11. The center of our Galaxy tastes like Raspberry and Smell like Rum.
12. 2.7 Kelvin Cosmic Microwave is the background radiation temperature that enters the entire Universe.
13. Do you know that Stars, Stars, and Satellite all Attract each other towards themselves?
14. The voyager-1 vehicle, Human Made is the farthest thing.
What is the Universe
The universe has long been the topic of discussion among mankind due to its boundless depth. The idea of ​​how large the world of its mysteries is can be deduced from this that even though we know many mysteries of the universe, it is very rare in the Comparison of the universe, Scientists are diligent to know it.Our universe is very large. And so much huge. That we can never even imagine it and this is a big challenge for us. In this large universe, our Earth or Earth is smaller than a small Particle. In such a huge universe there is too much light on the body. So there is a lot of darkness somewhere. Temperature is somewhere up to millions of degrees Celsius. So it is also very cold somewhere. So cold that no Idea can be imposed. It is so cold.
Which are many times more chilled (Ice) than Ice (Ice), and in such a large (big) and Huge (huge) universe there is a lot more powerful planet (Star) or star than our Sun. And in this universe, even colder planets are also present and life is possible at many places in the universe. Where life is impossible to think about. Because that place is so dangerous that going above it will cause our death
When talking about the universe, then we must know that the universe is of two types. One is the visible universe and one is the invisible universe, the visible universe. That we can see. And whose surgeon is from Primary (Primary) Raw Material of Big Bang. Such as planets, stars, meteorite, galaxies, nebulae, dark matter, light, speed, speed, time, gravity, etc. The Invisible universe is called Space. Which is the place of the Outside of our universe? And we can never see it.
That place is called the Invisible Universe. From our side, what is there in the unknown invisible universe outside the boundaries of the universe. No one knows that. A light-year is used to measure such a large expanded area of ​​the invisible universe. A light-year is the distance measuring unit of the universe. Just like we measure distance on earth in KM or Mile. Similarly, Light Year is used to measure the distance of the Universe.
The distance a light-year determines in 1 year. It is called 1 Light Year. Light covers a distance of about 3 lakh Kilometre in Year 1 Second. So in such a year, 9.5 thousand billion kilometers of distance determines the light year. This 9.5 thousand billion kilometer is called 1 Light Year. Born from Big Bang, we have 93 billion light of the universe.
Creation of the universe
The Belgian Catholic priest "Georges Lemaitre" created an equation named "Friedmann Lemaitre Robertson Walker" which was based on Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.According to them, the universe originated from a Primary Atom and created the universe with a big bang. And as the material of the universe started to move away from each other, the theory of Lemaitre was ridiculed in the starting days. Scientist Fred Hoyle was the most rebuttal of this theory of Lemaitre. According to Hoyle's theory, the objects of the universe are not moving away from each other. Rather, new materials are being established in their midst. Which is called dark material or black material? He revealed the Manifest of Fred Hoyle Model Theory and mocked Lemaitre's theory by calling it the Big Bang Idea. For a long time, the Scientists of the World were divided between these two Principles.
But as time passed. By the way, this proof happened from Scientist Practicals. The Big Bang Theory of Lemaitre is the Right, who were earlier rebutting their talk. Later he too easily understood this thing. In 1965, the discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background gave Lemaitre's Big Bang Theory the status of most valid principles. Today, the Big Bang Theory of Lemaitre is considered to be the highest valid principles for the creation of the universe.
According to the Big Bang Theory, about 13.5 billion years ago, all the molecules of the universe, and atoms were close to each other. So close to all were in one place, the entire visual universe that we are seeing today. It was located in a Small to Point. And at that time, that point must have been very dense and very hot. While there are no rules of physics, space and time also had no existence in this condition. In that condition, a sudden blast happened due to some unknown reason. From which the universe was born. And the universe started expanding.
All the material of the universe started to go away from each other, this explosion is called Big Bang. Now, this question must be coming in your mind. When such a powerful blast happened, then how much heat will be in that time universe or what will be its temperature. At that time the temperature of the universe was 141,679,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. What was the temperature in the universe at that time? Whose Idea is also almost Impossible. And after this such a powerful blast, in less than 1 Micro Second, the temperature of the universe fell down very quickly, the temperature of the universe would have reached 10,000 billion by 1 Micro Second. Less than 1 Micro Second is called Blank Time.
When Blast happened in the universe. At that time everything was in darkness. That time was not any kind of light. When there was such a big blast, why was there no light? Because the universe was in the Plasma Condition and there was no Molecule in the universe. And that is why there was no Light and in this way, it went on for 3.80 lakh years in the Darkness universe. And in this darkness itself, Proton and Neutron started to form in the universe and by meeting Proton and Neutron, the first Molecule in the universe was produced which was Hydrogen. And Hydrogen has a lot of Importance in the creation of the universe. Because due to Gravity, the Molecule of Helium started to be formed due to the combination of Hydrogen and Hydrogen.
Then the universe got its first star i.e. the Sun and in the same way gradually more stars started being formed in the Universe. And in this way, the light for the first time in Univers came and thus the darkness came to an end. And after about 4 lakh years after the Big Bang, Light Generate took place in the universe.
In this way Slowly- Slowly later came out of Big Bang from Cosmic Matter in Universe and started to become another comet, meteor, planet and celestial body for almost 8 billion years. These Molecules continued to be formed and destroyed. And this is how our Sun and Solar System was built in an Accident about 4.5 billion years ago. Which included our Earth, along with Sun, Earth has formed 4.5 billion years ago.
When First Time Earth was created, it was not at all like today's time. It used to be a very hot fireball. And if it was seen at that time, then this Idea could not be imposed. That even at this time life may be possible. And she used to spin very fast on her own axis. And at that time the day used to be only 8 hours. And there was absolutely no water to see on Earth.
But, there was steam in the air on Earth. And there were many materials like H2O. The way the universe was formed and then its temperature dropped very rapidly, similarly, the temperature of Earth also declined Slowly- Slowly and due to the steam present in the air over the Earth, Raining started on Earth and for millions of years. Happening Due to this raining, Rivers, Pounds and Ocean began to form on Earth. And after this, Slowly- Slowly started life with the addition of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon in water about 3.5 billion years ago. And made their unicellular organisms on Earth which were Parmesium and amoeba. And due to these small bacteria, multicellular bacteria slowly started to be formed. And gradually, the living organisms on earth got flooded. And life started to happen on Earth.
Stephen Hawking
A few days ago, Leading physicist Stephen Hawking of the world concluded that God has not created this Universe, but in reality, it is a result of the Indispensable Rules of Physics.Hawking said in his new book 'The Grand Design' that there are laws like Gravity, Universe can and will create itself with nothing. Because of self-inspiring creation, there is something rather than nothing, Universe exists, we exist.
The shocking physicist of the world from "A History of Time" dismissed Sir Isaac Newton's concept in his new book that the Universe cannot begin to become self-sufficient, but God has given it its form. According to a report in the Daily Telegraph, Hawking said that invoking God to illuminate the Blue Touch Paper and Anise of Universe is not important. Remarkable that Hawking did not dismiss the role of God in Creation of the Universe in his 1968 book "A History of Time".
Age of the Universe
According to research conducted in 2002, Hubble Universe Scope has detected the oldest stars of our Galaxy according to which the age of the Universe is estimated between 13 and 14 billion years.Scientists discovered the extremely small and extinguished stars of the Galaxy in a group of stars decaying 7000 light-years away. On the basis of the current temperature of these extinguished stars, the scientists thought that they must have originated a maximum of 13 billion years ago. Earlier Universe's age was considered to be 15 billion years.
In this way, the Speed ​​of Freezing of the Base Stars of the Age of First Time Universe has been made. Earlier Universe's outbreak rate was made to measure its age, according to which 15 billion years were considered.
About 14 billion years ago there was no Universe, just Darkness. Suddenly a Point originated. Then he started doing Point Plump, then terrible Changes started coming inside him. Blast began to occur within this point.
Then the mutual collision of the protons inside caused immense energy generation. In Blast Revenge Big Bang, Universe was produced from In Big Bang. Even today, the Big Bang continues to happen in the Universe. In this way, the Universe is constantly expanding. This is just Big Bang Theory, which can also be somewhat correct.
Now Quetion is this what really happened? Did Energy make Space, Air, Water, Planet, Stars, Earth, and Humans? How did the Directions decide, where did the time come from? How to make material? Who made it? Who did the Big Bang, no one knows what the truth is? If no one tries to know, then the Readymade Answer of Religion is Correct for him, according to Hinduism what is the Principle of Universe Origin ?, Vedas say that God did not create Universe. The universe was created due to the existence of God. His presence was so strong that everything happened. The soul is the reflection of God. According to the Vedas, this Universe is a panch kosha where all the souls reside in some kosha.
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